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ChaliceWestport Road Christian Church, Disciples of Christ

Our Mission:

The mission of Westport Road Christian Church is to nurture faith in God through Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit. We accomplish this by using the Bible as our guide to be welcoming to all, loving to everyone and being disciples for Christ in our community and the world.

Our Worship: We believe our worship honors the traditional church, at least the traditional services that we remember. You will always hear the Gospel read and preached, sung and prayed. You will find the communion table open each Sunday for all who profess Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior. We are a New Testament Church that honors our past religious history, yet focuses upon Christ as our Redemmer and our Hope for the present and future. We confess that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world. Our Denomination: The Disciples of Christ is a world-wide denomination of churches whose beginnings are here in the Kentuckiana area. We began as a pioneer church serving those on the frontier who felt cut off from the established structures of the churches back east and across the ocean. By the early 1800's, discussions had begun among several groups to unite into one body soon to become the Chritian Church (Disciples of Christ). We have no creed. Our motto is, "No Creed but Christ." Other Traditional Stances: Scripture: Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent. God: We rejoice in God, maker of Heaven and Earth. Jesus Christ: We confess that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world. Holy Spirit: In the communion of the Holy Spirit we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ. Christian Community: That the church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally and constitutionally one.
© 2011 Westport Road Christian Church